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Troubleshooting Common Issues in iOS App Installation

1. “The app with the store ID XXXXXXXXX is already installed.”


This error message is displayed on the device’s Action History page in the Hexnode portal when an application with the same store ID has already been installed.


Since the app is already installed on the device, you need not re-install it again. If re-installation is mandatory, you may uninstall the app from the device and try installing the app again.

2. “No available application license was found.”


This error message is displayed on the device’s Action History page in the Hexnode portal when no VPP licenses are available for the application to install. Possible reasons could be that all VPP licenses are already issued, or the licenses are yet to be purchased for the application.


The license for the required application can be bought from your Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager account. Navigate to Apps and Books and purchase licenses for the required application.

3. “The app installation has failed.”


This error message is displayed on the device’s Action History page in the Hexnode portal when the device has been switched off or has run out of charge while the installation was in progress.


Switch on the device and re-initiate the app installation.

4. “This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified.”


Installation of an enterprise app stops abruptly and displays the above error message on the device end. This app may be an “Ad-Hoc Enterprise app”, developed to be distributed to a limited number of devices or verified users for testing purposes. All Ad-Hoc applications are limited to 100 devices per device type and are meant to be used only for a maximum of 1 year. Hence, possible causes for this error:

  1. The device limit for the application may have already been reached.
  2. The app may have been developed to be tested only by verified users.
  3. The validity of the application has expired.


  • Include the required users in the list of verified users.
  • Publish a new release of the app with an updated certificate.

5. App installation remains as Initiated.


The status of the ‘Install Application’ action remains Initiated even after the app gets installed on the device.

Possible Cause:

The ‘Install Application‘ status will only get updated during the basic scan, which occurs every 15 minutes, or if the admin performs a ‘Scan Device‘ action on the device.


Initiating the ‘Scan Device‘ action will change the status from Initiated to Successful or Failed, depending on whether or not the app has been successfully installed.

6. App installation remains Pending


The status of the ‘Install Application’ action remains Pending for a long while.

Possible Causes:


  • Make sure the device is turned on and connected to the internet.
  • Re-initiate the ‘Install Application‘ action after a few minutes.
  • Troubleshooting Guides