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How to pass device and user information using the wildcards supported by Hexnode?

Hexnode supports wildcards containing information about each device and user to which you are assigning the management policies. You can use these variables for the commonly used device and user fields instead of entering them manually. This lets you create policies that can be pushed to a bulk of devices. When the policy/action is sent to a device/user, these variables will be automatically populated with the corresponding data retrieved from the details that have been provided during device enrollment.

Wildcards supported by Hexnode

The below table lists the wild cards supported by Hexnode:

Wildcard Substitution
%devicename% Name of the device as shown in the portal.
%model% Name of the device’s model or product.
%serialnumber% The serial number of the device.
%imei% The International Mobile Equipment Identity is assigned to the device. This number uniquely identifies the mobile device.
%osname% Name of the operating system running on the device.
%osversion% The version number of the device’s OS.
%deviceid% A number that has been assigned to each device in the order in which they had been enrolled.
%iccid% The ICCID from the device’s SIM card, if present.
%udid% The unique identifier which is assigned to the device by the manufacturer.
%phonenumber% The phone number associated with the mobile device.
%wifimacaddress% The Media Access Control address which uniquely identifies the network interface on the device.
%name% Name of the device user as displayed in the portal.
%email% The email address associated with a particular user.
%username% Name of the user or the email address associated with the user.
%domain% AD (Microsoft Entra ID) domain name associated with the user.
%netbiosname% NetBIOS name of the Active Directory domain.
%ssid% Service Set Identifier (SSID) or simply the name for a Wi-Fi network.
%assettag% Asset tag information (provided by admin as a custom attribute in the device summary page) to identify the device.
%department% Department name as provided by the admin on the device summary page.
%devicenotes% Device notes provided by the admin on the device summary page.
%userprincipalname% Provide to use the enrollment information to populate the user principal name (UPN).
%alternateemail% An alternate email address associated with a particular user.
%newline% Use this wildcard to insert a line break.
%null% Use this wildcard to return no value.

In any field that supports wildcards, insert the wildcard (for example, %email%) instead of typing in the required value. This prompts the Hexnode UEM server to auto-populate by fetching the corresponding value associated with the user/device. For example, %email% will fetch the email address associated with the device’s user, easing the process of dynamically deploying multiple devices.

Hexnode also supports the use of the logical OR operator in the fields that permit using two or more wildcards. You can enter wildcard combinations separated by the keyword ‘OR’. This auto-populates the field with the first available wildcard data from among the combination. For example: Entering %email%OR%alternateemail% in the Username field of the iOS CalDAV configuration fetches the user’s email from the enrollment information. If the email is unavailable, it checks for the user’s alternate email and replaces the whole wildcard combination with it.


You cannot include multiple OR operators in the fields that support the use of different wildcards. %wildcard%OR%wildcard%OR%wildcard%OR%wildcard%%wildcard%OR%wildcard%

You can append a set of wildcards/use multiple wildcards together to display an array of information to the user for Broadcast Message, Remote Ring, or iOS Lock Screen Message remote actions. For example, %osname%%osversion% will display the OS name and OS version of the device to the user. Hexnode also permits the use of logical OR operator along with appended wildcards.

When you use the ‘OR’ operator to append a set of wildcards, separate the OR combination from other wildcards in the list using space. %wildcard%OR%wildcard%%wildcard%%wildcard%%wildcard%OR%wildcard% %wildcard%%wildcard%

Where are these wildcards used?

Broadcast Message

The following wildcards can be included in the messages broadcasted to iOS and Android devices.
  • %devicename%
  • %imei%
  • %serialnumber%
  • %name%
  • %email%
  • %alternateemail%
  • %deviceid%
  • %domain%
  • %netbiosname%
  • %udid%
  • %model%
  • %phonenumber%
  • %iccid%
  • %wifimacaddress%
  • %department%
  • %assettag%
  • %devicenotes%
  • %osname%
  • %osversion%

Network Configurations


Wi-Fi policy across different platforms supports the use of the following wildcards:

Platform Wildcard Supporting Field Options
iOS Username %username%
Android Identity %username%
macOS Username %username%

VPN policy across different platforms supports the use of the following wildcards:

Platform Wildcard Supporting Field Options
iOS Account %name%
Android Username %name%
macOS Account %name%
Per-App VPN

iOS Per-App VPN policy supports the use of the following wildcards:

Platform Wildcard Supporting Field Options
iOS Account %name%
AD Asset Binding

macOS AD Asset Binding policy supports the use of the following wildcards:

Platform Wildcard Supporting Field Options
macOS Active Directory Domain %domain%
Username %email%

Account Configurations


Email policy across different platforms supports the use of the following wildcards:

Platform Wildcard Supporting Field Options
iOS User Display Name %name%
Email Address %email%
User Name (Incoming Mail) %username%
User Name (Outgoing Mail) %username%
Android Email Address %email%
User Name (Incoming Mail) %username%
User Name (Outgoing Mail) %username%
Windows Email Address (Reply Address) %email%
User Display Name %name%
Domain %domain%
User Name %username%
macOS User Display Name %name%
Email Address %email%
User Name (Incoming Mail) %username%
User Name (Outgoing Mail) %username%
Exchange ActiveSync

Exchange ActiveSync policy across different platforms supports the use of the following wildcards:

Platform Wildcard Supporting Field Options
iOS Domain %domain%
User %username%
Email Address %userprincipalname%
Android Domain %domain%
User %username%
Email address %userprincipalname%
Email signature %username%
Windows Domain %domain%
Account Name %name%
Email Address %email%
User Name %username%
macOS Domain %domain%
User %username%
Email Address %userprincipalname%

CardDAV policy across different Apple platforms supports the use of the following wildcards:

Platform Wildcard Supporting Field Options
iOS Username %email%
macOS Username %email%

iOS Calendar policy supports the use of the following wildcards:

Platform Wildcard Supporting Field Options
iOS Username %email%

CalDAV policy across different Apple platforms supports the use of the following wildcards:

Platform Wildcard Supporting Field Options
iOS Username %email%
macOS Username %email%
Google Accounts

iOS Google Accounts policy supports the use of the following wildcard:

Platform Wildcard Supporting Field Options
iOS Email address %email%

LDAP policy across different Apple platforms supports the use of the following wildcards:

Platform Wildcard Supporting Field Options
iOS Username %email%
macOS Username %email%

iOS Lock Screen Message

Asset Tag Information for the iOS lock screen message supports the following wildcards:
  • %devicename%
  • %imei%
  • %serialnumber%
  • %name%
  • %email%
  • %deviceid%
  • %domain%
  • %netbiosname%
  • %udid%
  • %model%
  • %phonenumber%
  • %iccid%
  • %wifimacaddress%
  • %username%
  • %assettag%
  • %department%
  • %devicenotes%

Web Apps

While adding web apps to be opened with Hexnode Browser Lite to the app inventory, the following device information can be passed:

  • %deviceid%
  • %serialnumber%
  • %devicename%
  • %imei%
  • %wifimacaddress%
  • %name%
  • %email%
  • %domain%
  • %netbiosname%
  • %udid%
  • %model%
  • %phonenumber%
  • %iccid%
  • %department%
  • %assettag%
  • %devicenotes%

App Configurations

Android App Configurations policy supports the use of the following wildcards:

  • %newline%
  • %username%
  • %email%
  • %phonenumber%
  • %udid%
  • %imei%
  • %deviceid%
  • %serialnumber%
  • %wifimacaddress%
  • %devicename%
  • %model%
  • %osname%
  • %osversion%
  • %iccid%
iOS App Configuration using XML supports the use of the following wildcards:
  • %username%
  • %domain%
  • %netbiosname%
  • %email%
  • %udid%
  • %iccid%
  • %imei%
  • %model%
  • %phonenumber%
  • %wifimacaddress%
  • %deviceid%
  • %devicename%
  • %serialnumber%
  • %name%
  • %assettag%
  • %department%
  • %devicenotes%
  • %alternateemail%

Deploy Custom Configuration on iOS and Mac

Deploy Custom Configuration policy for iOS and Mac supports the following wildcards:
  • %devicename%
  • %model%
  • %serialnumber%
  • %imei% (Supported only on iOS)
  • %osname%
  • %osversion%
  • %deviceid%
  • %iccid% (Supported only on iOS)
  • %udid%
  • %phonenumber%
  • %wifimacaddress%
  • %name%
  • %email%
  • %username%
  • %domain%
  • %netbiosname%
  • %assettag%
  • %department%
  • %devicenotes%
  • %userprincipalname%
  • %alternateemail%

Execute Custom Script on Mac and Windows

Arguments used for executing scripts on Mac and Windows devices support the following wildcards:
  • %devicename%
  • %model%
  • %serialnumber%
  • %osname% (Supported only with Windows scripts)
  • %osversion% (Supported only with Windows scripts)
  • %deviceid%
  • %udid% (Supported only with macOS scripts)
  • %phonenumber%
  • %wifimacaddress% (Supported only with macOS scripts)
  • %name%
  • %email%
  • %username%
  • %domain%
  • %netbiosname%
  • %ssid% (Supported only with macOS scripts)
  • %assettag%
  • %department%
  • %devicenotes%
  • %userprincipalname% (Supported only with Windows scripts)
  • %alternateemail%
  • %newline% (Supported only with macOS scripts)
  • %null% (Supported only with macOS scripts)

Create User Account for macOS

The Create User Account action supports the use of the wildcards in the fields: Full Name, Account Name, Password, Password Hint, and Aliases. Each field supports the following wildcards:
  • %devicename%
  • %model%
  • %serialnumber%
  • %imei%
  • %osname%
  • %osversion%
  • %deviceid%
  • %iccid%
  • %udid%
  • %phonenumber%
  • %wifimacaddress%
  • %name%
  • %email%
  • %username%
  • %domain%
  • %netbiosname%
  • %ssid%
  • %assettag%
  • %department%
  • %devicenotes%
  • %userprincipalname%
  • %alternateemail%
  • %newline%

Android Kiosk Launcher

To set a title for the kiosk home screen in Android Kiosk Launcher, the following device information can be passed:
  • %devicename%
  • %model%
  • %serialnumber%
  • %imei%
  • %osname%
  • %osversion%
  • %deviceid%
  • %iccid%
  • %udid%
  • %phonenumber%
  • %wifimacaddress%
  • %name%
  • %email%
  • %username%
  • %domain%
  • %netbiosname%
  • %ssid%
  • %assettag%
  • %department%
  • %devicenotes%
  • %userprincipalname%
  • %alternateemail%
  • %newline%
  • %null%

Lost Mode on Windows, Android and iOS

The Lost Mode action supports the use of wildcards on Windows, iOS and Android to fill in the details that need to be displayed on the device screen:
  • %devicename%
  • %deviceid%
  • %username%
  • %model%
  • %udid%
  • %assettag%
  • %serialnumber%
  • %name%
  • %department%
  • %imei%
  • %email%
  • %devicenotes%
  • %alternateemail%
  • %phonenumber%
  • %domain%
  • %osname%
  • %wifimacaddress%
  • %osversion%
  • %iccid%
  • %userprincipalname%
  • %netbiosname%
  • %newline%
Custom Message and Footnote allow all the wildcards mentioned above, while Phone Number only supports the wildcard %phonenumber%.
  • Configurations