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FAQs on Technicians and Roles
1. How to change the email address of a Super Admin?
Hexnode allows only the Super Admin to change its email address. Follow the steps given below to change the email address:
- Navigate to Admin > Technicians and Roles.
- Select Edit Technician.
- Enter the new email address to be added for the technician and click on Save.
Once you change the email address of the Super Admin, you will be logged out immediately from the portal and an email will be sent to the new email address using which you can configure login credentials for the new username (email).
If you have enabled the 2-Factor Authentication method using the authenticator app, you will have to re-configure the authenticator app with the updated email address. When you log in to the portal again after changing the username, a QR code will be displayed, using which you can re-configure the authenticator application. When you configure, remember to download the recovery keys and keep them safe.
2. How many technicians can be configured under each pricing plan?
The number of technicians that can be configured for each pricing plan is given below:
- Express – One. The technician will be assigned the role of Super Admin.
- Pro – Two.
- Enterprise – Three.
- Ultimate – Four.
- Ultra – Five.
For all subscription plans, the primary (default) technician is assigned the role of Super Admin. For Express and Pro subscription plans, the newly added technicians, including the additional technicians purchased from the portal, will be assigned the role of Admin. No other roles are available.
For Enterprise plan, the newly added technicians, including the additional technicians purchased from the portal, can be assigned the role of Admin, Reports Manager or, Apps and Reports Manager. For Ultimate and Ultra subscription plans you also have the option to create custom roles to be assigned to a technician.
Additional technicians can be purchased from the portal by navigating to Admin > License > Subscribe and click on +Add more technicians. You will get redirected to the Payment page, where you can specify the number of technicians to be purchased. Once the purchase has been completed, you can add new technicians to the portal. The cost for additional technicians is as follows:
- Annual subscription – $324/year per technician
- Monthly subscription – $30/month per technician
3. How to reset the SSO login configurations of a technician?
To reset the SSO configurations of a technician:
- Navigate to Admin > Technicians and Roles.
- Click on more icon and select Reset SSO corresponding to the technician’s name.
An email will be sent to the email address of the selected technician. Click on the link that has been sent to the email address, and you will be redirected to the login page of the portal. You can re-configure the SSO configurations from the login page.
4. On what basis do technicians get deactivated on plan downgrading?
When you downgrade from a higher plan to a lower one, you will not be able to avail all the technicians present in the initial plan unless you purchase additional technicians. While you downgrade the plan, the additional technicians will get added as Add-ons on the subscription page. If you do not wish to retain all your existing technicians, you can deactivate or delete the additional technicians.
To deactivate a technician:
- Navigate to Admin > Technicians and Roles.
- Among the list of technicians, disable the toggle button corresponding to the technician whose account is to be deactivated.
To delete a technician:
- Navigate to Admin > Technicians and Roles.
- Click on the more icon and select Delete Technician corresponding to the technician’s name.
- Click on Yes.
5. Is it possible to set different roles for technicians?
You can set different roles when you create new technicians and also for existing technicians.
To set roles for a new technician:
- Navigate to Admin > Technicians and Roles.
- Click on Add Technician.
- Fill in the required fields and go to Roles then select any of the roles from the options: Admin, Reports Manager, Apps and Reports Manager, or any other custom roles.
To change roles for an existing technician:
- Navigate to Admin > Technicians and Roles.
- Select Edit Technician.
- Click on Edit Information > Roles > Change role and select a role from the options: Admin, Reports Manager, Apps and Reports Manager or any other custom roles.
- Select Assign > Save.
The privilege and access given to a technician will be based on the role that they are assigned. The primary (default) technician created during the initial login will be assigned the role of Super Admin. They have the ultimate privilege. They can access all tabs and can add, edit and deactivate all the other technicians. Admin will be able to access all the tabs in the portal and will also be able to add, edit or deactivate other technicians except for Super Admin. Apps and Reports Manager will be able to access only the Dashboard, Apps tab, and Reports tab. Reports Manager will be able to only access the Dashboard and the Reports tab. Technicians with custom roles will have access to only the permitted tabs.
6. What happens when a technician tries to log in to the Hexnode portal when an active session is already running on another machine/browser?
If a technician tries to log in to the Hexnode portal when there is an already active session, a prompt will be displayed stating that the technician is already logged in to the portal from a different machine or browser. If the technician proceeds to log in to the portal, the previous session will be automatically terminated. Therefore, you will be allowed to have only one active session at any given time.
7. Which CAPTCHA setting will have more precedence – Global CAPTCHA settings or Individual CAPTCHA settings for each technician?
If both Global CAPTCHA settings and individual CAPTCHA settings for a particular technician have been configured, the most restrictive setting (lesser value for failed login attempts) out of the two will become the effective setting for that particular technician.