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How to find the Team ID of an application on Mac

Team ID is a unique identification code given by Apple to a developer inside the Apple ecosystem. It can be used to identify all the applications developed by a particular developer and cannot be altered. You can have multiple applications under the same Team ID.

We can utilize Bundle ID to uniquely identify an application under the same Team ID, which will be unique for a particular application.

Find the Team ID of an application in a macOS device

To find the Team ID of an application that is already installed on a macOS device,

  1. Find the location/path of the application for which the Team ID is to be found. To find the location/path of an application, right-click on the app and select Get Info. The location/path of the application will be displayed beside Where, which can be used in the command to find the Team ID of the app.
  2. Enter the following command in the terminal:

    codesign -dv --verbose=4 /Path/to/app\ 2>&1 | grep TeamIdentifier

    A sample terminal command to find the Team ID of the Google Chrome app is given below:

    codesign -dv --verbose=4 /Applications/Google\ 2>&1 | grep TeamIdentifier

Upon entering the command mentioned above, the Team ID of the application will be obtained as the result of the terminal command. It will be displayed in the format:


You can use the Team ID of an application while configuring System Extensions or Kernel Extensions for your macOS devices.

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