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1 day ago

Android Device UDID

Hi Could you explain how you get the Android UDID which is displayed on the Device Info page. The ID displayed doesn't appear to match the Android ID that I am able to obtain via my own app or the Android ID obtained when using adb e.g using 'adb shell settings get secure android_id'.  …

6 days ago

Prevent screen capturing on iOS devices

hey all, is it possible to disable screenshots in specific apps on iOS like Outlook, without affecting other apps or the entire device? We need a way to prevent screen captures in certain apps while keeping the functionality intact elsewhere. Any suggestions? 

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1 week ago

Windows Application Updates – New Features Unveiled!

Managing application updates just got easier with Hexnode UEM! We’re excited to announce key additions to Windows Patches and Updates management, enabling you to simplify and enhance how updates are handled across your organization’s devices. With the new App Updates policy, you can now efficiently manage patches and updates for all your applications, ensuring they…

2 weeks ago

Restrict contact sharing from iOS devices

Hello everyone, We have quite a few iOS devices and are wondering if it’s possible to prevent users from sharing company contact information with unmanaged apps. Some devices also have personal apps installed, so we want to ensure that company-owned contacts are restricted from being accessed or shared by those apps. At the same time,…

2 weeks ago

Error during Linux enrollment

Hi there, I tried enrolling our Linux device into Hexnode, but I’m encountering an error that says: "The Hexnode agent is already running. Stopping the enrollment process."  I’m sure that I followed all the steps outlined in the documentation. Any idea what might be causing this?