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How to map Apple School Manager users to Hexnode users in bulk?

The Apple School Manager users and classes get synced with Hexnode on completing the ASM integration. However, if you have already added the users in Hexnode, the same user will have two different profiles in Hexnode. To resolve this issue, you can map the ASM users to their corresponding user profiles in Hexnode. This can be done either for individual users or for users in bulk. You will have to upload a CSV file with the user details to bulk map users.

How to map users in bulk?

To map users in bulk,

  1. On your Hexnode console, navigate to Manage > Users.
  2. Click on Map users in bulk.
  3. Upload a CSV file with the user details. Note that the file should have the same format as the sample CSV file provided there. Therefore, it is recommended to download and edit the sample CSV file with the user details and upload it for reduced discrepancies.
  4. Click on OK.

On mapping, the Hexnode user profile will get synced with the Managed Apple ID and will get updated as a single ASM/local user.

  • Managing Users and Groups