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Resolving issues encountered during Apple VPP integration with Hexnode on Apple TVs

Apple Volume Purchase Program (VPP) is a one-stop solution through which Apps and Books can be purchased in bulk and distributed to corporate devices. Integrating Apple VPP with Hexnode UEM facilitates the deployment of VPP Apps and Books onto the target devices. Below are solutions to some common errors users might face while integrating Apple VPP onto tvOS devices using Hexnode UEM.

1. The VPP app is not installing on the device


VPP app pushed through the Hexnode console fails to install on tvOS devices.

Probable solution:

Please ensure that the following possibilities have been considered:

  • The app is properly associated with the device.
  • The device can access through the proxy/firewall.
  • The Content Tokens used to integrate with Hexnode are not shared with another MDM/UEM. This is to ensure that other MDM vendors will not revoke the licenses assigned to devices in Hexnode UEM.

2. Unable to deploy VPP apps to devices via Hexnode


The VPP app Install Application command in the Action History fails with an error message “No available application license was found.

Probable solution:

This may be because of the unavailability of unassigned app licenses. You can revoke the app licenses that are no longer required to acquire unassigned licenses or purchase new licenses for the app from the Apple Business Manager/ Apple School Manager console.

3. Unable to contact the VPP server for app sync.


The VPP apps purchased for your organizational account cannot be synced to Hexnode.

Probable solution:

The Hexnode server may not be able to communicate with the VPP server from where the apps are purchased.

If you are connected to the Internet via proxy or if your network has a firewall, make sure that the domain along with all the other ports and domains are allowlisted on it. Also, verify whether the Apple service is available at the moment.

This may also be because of the VPP token expiry. If the VPP token set up on the UEM server is expired, Hexnode and Apple VPP can no longer communicate with each other, thereby hindering the sync operation. Try renewing the VPP token to restore communication.

4. Unable to update the VPP app in tvOS Single App kiosk


The app installation fails and displays a message saying that the app is not compatible with the device.

Probable solution:

There could be several reasons why you’re unable to update the VPP app in your Apple TV locked down in single app kiosk. If you receive an error message that the app is not compatible with the device, here are some troubleshooting steps you can try:

  1. Check the device requirement: Some VPP apps are designed to work only on specific devices or configurations. You can check the app’s eligibility requirements in the App Store. Make sure that your device meets the requirements to run the app.
  2. Check the VPP license status: Check the status of your VPP licenses for the app. If the VPP license for the app has expired or is no longer valid, you won’t be able to update the app. You can check the status of your VPP licenses in your Apple Business Manager account.
  3. Restart the device: Sometimes, restarting the device can help resolve issues with app updates. Try restarting the device and then attempt to update the VPP app again.
  4. If none of the above steps work, you might have to exit the kiosk, remove the app, and then reinstall it. Finally, re-enable the kiosk mode. Note that before taking the device out of kiosk mode, ensure that you have backed up all the data and settings.

5. VPP app installations shows ‘Pending’ in the Action History page


VPP app installations via Hexnode are in the ‘Pending’ state for a long period of time. This usually happens when the VPP token is invalid or out-of-date. This can occur due to two reasons:

  • Annual expiry: Your VPP token expires annually. So, keep a note of your token’s renewal date to avoid uninterrupted services.
  • Password changes: If the password of the account from whom the token has been downloaded and integrated with the MDM has been changed, the token becomes invalid.

Probable Solution:

To download a new VPP token follow the below steps:

  1. Sign into your Apple Business Manager account
  2. Click your name at the bottom of the sidebar, click Preferences, then choose Payments & Billing.
  3. Select Apps and Books and scroll down to ‘Content Tokens’.
  4. Click on the Download button next to your required content token.
  5. Once the token is downloaded, go to the Hexnode UEM portal and navigate to the Admin tab.
  6. Select the Apple Business/School Manager tab on the left side to select Apple VPP and click on the account name that matches the Apple VPP user ID for which the VPP token is to be renewed.
  7. Click on Choose file next to the, “Renew VPP Token file” label and upload the server token file which was downloaded previously from the Apple Business Manager website.
  8. Click on Save.

renew Apple VPP token in Hexnode mdm

6. VPP app installation suspended after multiple failed attempts


App installation of a VPP app via the Required Apps policy is suspended after the app installation or automatic app update gets marked ‘Failed’ three times in the Action History sub-tab.

This results in the action being marked ‘Suspended’ at the fourth attempt with automatic app installation or automatic app update for the application being further suspended. In such cases, the application’s status in the Applications sub-tab is marked as either:

  • Missing – The app could not be installed, and automatic app installation has been suspended.
  • This occurs in the case the app failed to install on the device consecutively three times.

  • Installed – The latest version (Version no.), could not be installed on the device and automatic update is temporarily suspended for the app.
  • This occurs in the case the app was previously installed on the device, however, the automatic app update failed three times.

Probable Solution:

Once marked ‘Suspended’, Hexnode suspends automatic app installation or automatic app updates for the application. To re-initiate the process, the admin must run the Install Application action for the VPP app.

  • Troubleshooting Guides