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How to enable Android Kiosk Wi-Fi settings

Kiosk mode allows you to restrict the device to a single app or a few selected apps, limiting user’s access to certain apps, websites, and settings. Hexnode supports a set of features to control the Wi-Fi settings on the devices locked in kiosk mode. The Wi-Fi controls allow users to configure, connect to available Wi-Fi networks, and more by themselves. This relieves the admins from configuring several policies and restrictions for managing the Wi-Fi connectivity of kiosk locked devices.

The Wi-Fi controls available in Hexnode UEM are:

  • Enable users to turn Wi-Fi on and off.
  • Enable users to connect and switch between available networks.
  • Enables users to add hidden networks.
  • Enables users to delete the configured networks.
  • Enable users to see available Wi-Fi networks.
  • Enable users to auto-exit Wi-Fi settings page

Applying Wi-Fi settings

  1. Login to your Hexnode portal.
  2. Navigate to Policies.
  3. Select an existing policy or create a new one by clicking New Policy.
  4. Select Peripheral Settings from Kiosk Lockdown > Android Kiosk Lockdown and click Configure.

For enabling the users to turn the Wi-Fi on and off:

  1. Select the option Users can turn Wi-Fi on/off.
  2. Click Save.

Here the user will be able to see the network they are connected to and they will be able to turn it on and off.

For enabling the users to connect and switch between available Wi-Fi networks:

  1. Select the option Connect to and switch between Wi-Fi Networks.
  2. Click Save.

Here the user will be able to see all the available Wi-Fi networks and can connect and switch between these networks.


On Android 10 devices, enabling “Users can turn Wi-Fi on/off” also allows users to “Connect to and switch between Wi-Fi networks” and vice versa.

For enabling the users to add hidden Wi-Fi networks:

  1. Select the option Add hidden Wi-Fi networks.
  2. Click Save.

Here the user can connect the devices to hidden networks.

For enabling the users to delete the configured networks:

  1. Select the option Users can delete Wi-Fi networks.
  2. Click Save.

Here the users can delete the Wi-Fi networks. For Android 6+ devices, only the networks configured by Hexnode can be deleted.

For enabling the users to see all available Wi-Fi networks:

  1. Select the option Show all available Wi-Fi networks.
  2. Click Save.

This feature is only available for Android 10 devices enrolled in Hexnode UEM as Device Admin.

If enabled, the users can be redirected to the Wi-Fi Settings page where they can save new Wi-Fi configuration, scan/refresh networks, connect to and switch between available networks.

For enabling the users to auto-exit Wi-Fi Settings page:

  1. Select the option Auto-exit Wi-Fi settings page in _ seconds.
  2. Select a value from the drop-down menu. By default, this is 10 seconds. You can change this value to 5, 30, 60, 100, or 120 seconds.
  3. Click Save.

This feature is only available for Android 10 devices enrolled in Hexnode UEM as Device Admin.

The Wi-Fi Settings page from where you can save new Wi-Fi configuration, scan/refresh networks, connect to and switch between available networks will time-out in the specified time period.

Disallow Wi-Fi controls to user

There are two ways to configure a Wi-Fi network in a kiosk device

  1. By associating a Wi-Fi network policy
  2. By allowing the Wi-Fi controls to the user

If you want to strip the user from any type of Wi-Fi control, you just need to uncheck the Kiosk Wi-Fi controls:

  • Users can turn Wi-Fi on/off
  • Connect to and switch between Wi-Fi networks
  • Add hidden Wi-Fi networks
  • Users can delete Wi-Fi networks
  • Show all available Wi-Fi networks
  • Auto-exit Wi-Fi settings page
  • Kiosk Lockdown of Devices