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How to enforce software updates on iOS devices?

Apple releases exciting new versions of iOS and iPadOS regularly. Some organizations may not prefer the usage of devices running old software as it compromises the consistency, performance, and security of the organization. Updating your devices to the latest OS version will mitigate security vulnerabilities, unlock access to advanced management features, and increase the overall productivity of the end-users.

Therefore, never let your devices stay outdated. With the award-winning Unified Endpoint Management solution Hexnode UEM, you can enforce software updates remotely. The IT admin can update your supervised iPhones and iPads to the latest version of iOS/iPadOS without disrupting workflows or slowing productivity.


  • Forced OS updation for iOS is available from Enterprise plan onwards.
  • This feature works only on supervised iOS/iPadOS devices.
  • On iOS 10.3 and later, software update does not require DEP enrollment. Prior to iOS 10.3, devices need to be DEP-enrolled.
  • To download an update larger than 100 MB, the device must be connected to a Wi-Fi network.

Enforce iOS software updates

To update the iOS system,

  1. Log in to your Hexnode portal.
  2. Navigate to the Manage tab.
  3. Check an iOS device.
  4. From the Actions drop-down, select Update OS.

There will be a couple of options available.

  1. Download Only: System updates are downloaded on the device but not installed. The user might need to install it manually on the device from Settings > General > Software Update > Install.
  2. Download and Install: System updates are downloaded over the air and installed once it’s downloaded. If the device is password protected, the user must enter the passcode to update.
  3. Clear Passcode to Force Update Installation: If checked the device passcode will be cleared to force immediate update installation. Your device will remain unprotected until you set a new passcode.

Configure update deployment settings


  • When the option Download and Install only is selected, Hexnode will also install already downloaded updates.
  • Some software updates require the device to be either plugged in or charged to at least 50%.
  • The devices must have sufficient storage space to install the software update.

  • Remote Actions