Does Hexnode support offline functionality?Solved

2 months ago

Hey all! Do devices enrolled in Hexnode UEM still work if there’s no internet connection? Can someone explain how that works?

Replies (2)

Marked SolutionPending Review
2 months ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey! I was wondering the same thing. What happens if I push a policy to a device that’s offline but already enrolled?

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
1 month ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi @desmond and @sybylla! Great questions.

Here’s how it works: all enrolled devices keep functioning normally, even if they’re offline. They stay enrolled in Hexnode, and any policies or actions already applied will still work.

For example, if you’ve applied a kiosk policy and the device goes offline afterward, the kiosk mode will stay active.

When a device is offline, the Hexnode portal cannot fetch any information from it. New policies or actions you push to the device will queue up and get applied as soon as the device reconnects to the internet.

Hope that clears it up! Feel free to reach out if you have any queries.

Ben Clarke
Hexnode UEM
