Single App Kiosk – Android UpdatesSolved

1 week ago

We have an ongoing issue whereby we have a number of Android devices running Single App kiosk mode – because of this, Android updates cannot be completed automatically.

Has anybody had a similar issue and know of a workaround for this?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
1 week ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi there!

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I understand how frustrating such issues can be, and I’m here to help. There are a few possibilities here, let’s work together to narrow down the cause. Could you please provide some additional details?

  1. Device Type: What type of Android devices are you using? Certain devices may have some peculiarities when it comes to Android updates.
  2. Background Apps: When configuring the kiosk policy, did you add any app packages as background apps to help with automatic updates? Sometimes, the absence of these app packages may block the update process.
  3. Update Method: Which method did you use to perform the updates? Update OS remote action or OS Updates policy.

If you can share this info, it’ll help us pinpoint what’s going wrong and find a fix for you as quickly as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Ben Clarke
Hexnode UEM
