Third-Party Trademark Usage Guidelines

In order to protect the Hexnode brand, we have put in place the following guidelines for partners, resellers, and other approved parties wishing to use Hexnode trademarks, approved logos, and images in connection with promotional, advertising, instructional, or reference materials on websites, in printed materials, or on products. Use of Hexnode trademarks without Hexnode’s prior written consent may constitute trademark infringement, and any misuse of the marks will be pursued through proper channels. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines or your use of the

Partner Guidelines

By using a Hexnode trademark, you are acknowledging that Hexnode is the sole owner of the trademark. In addition, by using a Hexnode trademark you promise that you will not interfere with Hexnode’s right in the mark, including challenging Hexnode’s use, registration of, or application to register the mark, alone or in combination with other words. Except for the limited right to use as expressly permitted in these guidelines, no other rights of any kind are granted to you, by implication or otherwise. All goodwill accruing under the marks shall inure solely to Hexnode.

Advertising, Promotional Materials, and Websites

As with all trademarks, Hexnode’s written trademarks should be used as an adjective and not as a noun. Hexnode will provide electronic artwork for logos to be used by third parties. Except for size, any such logo may not be altered in any manner, including proportions, colors, elements, animations, or otherwise. The complete logo must always be shown and not obscured or cropped.

Our logos (including, but not limited to our trade dress and other elements of packaging and websites) may not be imitated in any of your materials. You may not combine our logos with any other object, including, but not limited to, other logos, words, icons, graphics, photos, slogans, numbers, or other design elements in a way that implies origination from a source other than Hexnode.

Unauthorized Use of Hexnode Trademarks

  • The company, Product, or Service Name. You may not use or register, in whole or in part, Hexnode or any of our product names or trademarks, including Hexnode-owned graphic symbols, logos, taglines, icons, or any alteration or a close approximation of these as part of your company name, trade name, product name, or service name.
  • Hexnode-owned Logos and Graphic Symbols. You may not use our logo or any other Hexnodeowned graphic symbol, logo, tagline, or icon on or in connection with websites, products, manuals, promotional materials, or for any other purpose except as agreed upon in writing between us.
  • Disparaging Manner. You may not use any of our trademarks or any Hexnode-owned graphic symbol, logo, tagline, or icon in a disparaging manner.
  • Endorsement or Sponsorship. You may not use Hexnode or any other Hexnode-owned graphic symbol, logo, tagline, or icon in a way that would imply Hexnode affiliation with or endorsement, support, or sponsorship of a third-party product or service, except as agreed upon in writing.
  • Merchandise. You may not manufacture, sell, or give away merchandise items bearing Hexnode or any Hexnode trademark or Hexnode-owned graphic symbol, logo, tagline, or icon except as agreed upon between us in writing.
  • Trade Dress. You may not imitate the distinctive Hexnode look and feel, including website design, logos, imagery, iconography, or typefaces.
  • Slogans and Taglines. You may not use or imitate a Hexnode slogan or tagline.
  • Domain Names. You may not use an identical or virtually identical Hexnode trademark as a second-level domain name.

Proper Trademark Notice and Attribution

Use the appropriate trademark symbol (TM, SM, ®) the first time the Hexnode trademark appears in the text of an advertisement, brochure, or other material.

Third-party cookies

The following guidelines have been put into place for third-party use of Hexnode-approved logos. Third parties may only use Hexnode logos as specified in a written agreement with Hexnode and any associated guidelines. The use of Hexnode trademarks without the prior written consent of Hexnode may constitute trademark infringement.

  • Logo Clear Space. The preferred amount of clear space around the logo is equal to half the height of the logo. Never place graphics of any kind closer than that distance from the logo.
  • Logo Restrictions. You may not: crop, rearrange or resize elements of the logo, place the logo on a busy background, change the orientation of the logo, change the transparency of the logo, skew or sheer the logo, rotate any part of the logo, alter the color of the logo, or add a drop shadow to the logo, use old versions of the logo, use any logos or similar images to represent Hexnode other than the examples we have provided in the Hexnode Brand Assets folder.