Is your business remote work ready?

Remote work is here to stay, and so are the vulnerabilities it brings in. Does your company have the tools to drive them out? Take this 4-minute quiz to find out.

 Is your business remote work ready?

Here are the areas we evaluate

We have modelled our remote work readiness quiz on 5 key areas that are crucial to effectively manage a remote workforce.

Stages of remote work readiness


Companies at the inception stage must put in a lot of effort to improve their remote workforce's overall security posture. Without a proper strategy, the door is wide open for an attacker to walk in and breach.


At the developing stage, your company is equipped with just enough tools to support a remote environment. You still lack many of the tools required to fully protect your remote workforce.


At the expanding stage, your company is outfitted with many of the tools required to secure and maintain a remote workforce. However, further improvements may still be possible in specific areas of security.


At the flourishing stage, your company is outfitted with almost all of the tools necessary to secure and maintain a remote workforce.

Find out your company's stage