Error while encrypting FileVault via policy

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When applying the FileVault policy to one of our macOS devices, we are encountering an error that says ‘5103 open file directory error’. Can we find out what is causing this error, even though it’s just a simple FileVault policy?

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  • Hello @Eugene, welcome to Hexnode Connect!

    Try resetting the time and enabling the ‘Set date and time automatically’ option. You can do this manually by going to System Settings > General > Date & Time, or remotely by executing a script with Hexnode’s Execute Custom Script action. After that try restarting the device and apply the FileVault policy.

    Hope that helps. Please feel free to contact us for further queries.
    Hexnode UEM

  • Hi @Eugene,

    I’m glad to hear that your problem was resolved. One possible reason for the error could be that the device’s communication with time servers was interrupted, which may have affected FileVault encryption.

    If you encounter any issues or queries, please feel free to contact us at any time.

    Hexnode UEM