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getting "Please enter valid Ownership entries in the file"Solved

7 years ago

Hi, I’m trying to bulk upload users into the platform and setting Corporate as ownership for everyone but getting a “Please enter valid Ownership entries in the file”. Can you please advise?

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
7 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi Maire,

I’m sorry, but Hexnode MDM won’t accept the value “Corporate” as a valid ownership detail. Every entry in the CSV file is case-sensitive so that you can use “corporate.” Please refer this article https://www.hexnode.com/mobile-device-management/help/mdm-device-enrollment/#pre-enroll-csv to know about the values in CSV files that are accepted by Hexnode MDM.

Meanwhile, I’ll have a chat with the technical team, see how can solve this issue.

Thanks and regards
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