Hexnode Secure Login for MacsSolved

Hexnode Expert
2 years ago

It has been well established how seriously Hexnode takes the security and privacy of the devices it manages, all while maintaining the smoothest user experience. 

So, here’s presenting our brand-new feature – Hexnode Secure Login, which makes the process of logging into macOS devices easier and safer than ever before. 

Users can now log into Macs using their cloud IdP credentials, namely Microsoft Azure AD and Google Workspace. 

Hexnode Secure Login provides IT administrators with the ability to customize how the login window should look. Administrators can configure network settings to enable users to connect to a network from the login screen, configure the login page background and logo, limit offline access, add a help link or document that the users can access from the login screen during enrollment, and more. 

Explore the feature in depth and follow the steps given in our document on managing logins
using Hexnode Secure Login
to get started right away. 

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