Why should you join, you ask?

Welcome to Hexnode’s brand new webinar series! We’re excited to announce this platform as your one-stop-shop for staying in the loop on all Hexnode’s latest updates and features. Whether you’re just getting started as a Hexnode user, a seasoned veteran, or you’re just considering our solutions, the Hexnode Chronicle is designed to cater to your needs. We’ll be offering in-depth feature tutorials to help you get the most out of our new features alongside forecasts for what we have in store for the upcoming quarter. The Hexnode Chronicle wraps up with a Q&A session, where we can answer any specific questions or concerns you might have. We’re excited to connect with you and give you a behind-the-scenes look at Hexnode. See you there!

  • Guided tutorials on brand new features
  • Exclusive insights into future Hexnode updates
  • Open Q&A session with a Hexnode Product Consultant
  • Exciting opportunity to connect with others in the industry

Upcoming Webinars

On-demand Webinars