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Filter the devices based on the modelSolved

5 years ago

Hello, is there any way I can filter out the model in Device View?
We have different Macbook models in use and I would like to see which user uses which model.

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
5 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey, Thanks for reaching out to us.

Please navigate to the Manage tab. You will be able to see the list of devices along with the user to which each of them is assigned. Click on the desired device and you will be directed to the device summary page. Beneath the hardware info, you will be able to see the Model of the device.
Also, you can go to Reports->Device Reports and click on desired device group. All the devices under the selected group will be displayed. Click on the edit icon beneath the search bar and enable the ‘Model Name’ option. Click OK. The devices will now be listed along with the model name. You can also export this report as a PDF/CSV file by clicking on the ‘Export’ button at the top. Click here to know more about the Reports.

Hope this helps! Keep posting.

Grace Baker
Hexnode MDM