Location fetchingSolved

5 years ago

Could you please let me know how to set location tracking?

Replies (3)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
5 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi Vincent,

Of course! Happy to help.

Hexnode MDM helps you to track the location of devices.

Please login to your Hexnode MDM portal, navigate to policies and click on ‘New Policy’ to create a new one or click on an already existing policy to edit. Navigate to General Settings–>Location Tracking–>Configure.
Select the option Enable Location Tracking to enable location tracking on your device.
Select an appropriate Location Update Interval that indicates how frequently the location data needs to be updated. The time interval ranges from 15 minutes to 24 hours.
Kindly associate policy targets and save the policy.

Currently, the Location tracking feature is feasible only for android, windows and iOS devices.
To view the recent location, navigate to Manage–>Devices. Click on the device name for which you have enabled the location services and the most recent location of the device will be displayed on the device summary page.

PS: Location services should be enabled on your devices.

Grace Baker
Hexnode MDM

Marked SolutionPending Review
4 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

What are the some general cases due to which Hexnode fails in collecting the device locations apart from the location services not turned on?

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
4 years ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hi Stefan,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

The possible reasons for location tracking to fail even though the location services are enabled on the device can be:

Android devices:

Hexnode MDM app is not granted to location access permission

Location accuracy needs to be set as high so as to pin point the location. Navigate to Settings -> Location -> Location Mode -> High accuracy to set the location accuracy.

Device is not connected to an internet connection.

iOS devices:

Hexnode MDM app is not installed on the device.

Device is not connected to an internet connection.

The Hexnode MDM app needs to be given the location permission as ‘Always’ so that the app can fetch the device location in case of significant location changes.

For devices with iOS 13 and above, the Hexnode MDM app needs to be run in the foreground for location tracking to be a success. In the case of lower version iOS devices, the app can run in the background for the location to be fetched.

However, when there is a significant location change (500 meters or above), the Hexnode app can wake up on its own and fetch the device location. (Note: Hexnode app needs to have the location permission set as ‘Always’ for this to work)

Windows devices:

Location tracking is supported only for Windows 10 devices.

MacOS devices: 

Hexnode MDM app must be installed on the device.

The Hexnode MDM app must be given the location permission.

Irrespective of the device platform, the location tracking policies must be associated to the devices from Policies -> General Settings -> Location tracking.

Check out the following links to know more:
Configure location tracking: http://www.hexnode.com/mobile-device-management/help/how-to-configure-location-tracking-with-hexnode-mdm/

Common reasons for location tracking to fail: http://www.hexnode.com/mobile-device-management/help/common-reasons-for-location-tracking-to-fail/

Eva Tyler
Hexnode MDM

  • This reply was modified 4 years ago by  eva-tyler.