Tracking Network Data Usage on Android Profile Owner devicesSolved

11 months ago

Currently, we have Android devices that are enrolled as profile owners. We wanted to track the data usage of applications used in the profile owner. However, we were able to track the data usage for only Hexnode For Work application.

Is there any way to track the data usage of other applications too?

Replies (3)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
11 months ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hello @Luuk, welcome to Hexnode Connect.

To track the network data usage of all applications within the profile owner, you must grant the “Usage access” permission for Hexnode for Work. Enabling permission for “Usage access” to Hexnode for Work allows Hexnode to monitor the data usage of other applications in the work profile of the device.

To enable this permission, follow the below steps:

  1. Open ‘Settings’ on your Android device.
  2. Navigate to ‘Apps’.
  3. Find and open ‘Special app access’.
  4. Select ‘Usage access’.
  5. Under ‘Work’, click on ‘Hexnode for Work’ and allow permission for Usage access.

By following the above steps, you will be able to track the data usage of all applications used within the work profile.

We hope this helps, please contact us in case of further queries.


With regards,
Hexnode UEM

Marked SolutionPending Review
11 months ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Is there a specific reason why we need to allow this permission manually, and why the permission for Usage access has not been prompted during the initial enrollment process?

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
11 months ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hey @Luuk,

We understand your problem. As we checked, the issue persists on devices enrolled as Android Enterprise Profile Owner devices. Meanwhile, we recommend you follow the above-mentioned steps for granting permission to Usage access for the Hexnode for Work app.

I hope this information helps you.

Hexnode UEM

  • This reply was modified 11 months ago by  John.
  • This reply was modified 11 months ago by  John.
  • This reply was modified 11 months ago by  John.