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Set Ringtone for Android devicesSolved

Hexnode Expert
4 years ago

Wanna set ringtones on a large number of devices remotely? No worries. Hexnode got it covered.

With this, you can now remotely configure ringtones on your Android devices. MP3 files below 350 KB can be set as ringtone.

Wondering how to get this deployed on a huge sum of devices? Here you go!

  • Login to your Hexnode portal.
  • Navigate to Manage tab and select all the devices to which the ringtone is to be configured.
  • From Actions, select Change Ringtone, and upload the mp3 file.
  • Click Done.

Now the ringtone will be changed on all selected Android devices.

Wanna know more? Have a look at Setting ringtone for Android devices.

Michelle Hendricks
Hexnode MDM

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