New additions to the Firewall policySolved

Hexnode Expert
11 months ago

When it comes to security, Firewall is undoubtedly one of Apple’s most used features. Here at Hexnode UEM, we make it a point that all our policies are regularly updated to encompass every possible configuration. We are pleased to announce the addition of two new configurations to our Firewall policy.

They are:

  • Allow incoming connections to built-in software
  • Allow incoming connections to downloaded signed software

Enabling these options will permit apps and services (both built-in and downloaded) that are signed by a valid certificate authority to receive incoming connections through the firewall.

This enhancement allows IT admins to configure Firewall settings on macOS devices in a more customizable manner.

Please refer to our help document on Firewall policy for a detailed explanation of the newly added options. Feel free to reach out to us in case of any queries.

Best regards,
Chloe Edison
Hexnode UEM

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