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Feature Request: Search and Multi-Select Action HistorySolved

1 year ago

Two enhancments to make the Action History easier to use when diagnosing a problem:

1) Make the status drop down a multi-select instead of a single one. I’d like to be able to see pending and in progress actions at the same time, for example.

2) Add a free form search to the filter. I’d like to be able to easily see all of the actions that match a string or a regexp — particularly for the Action And Subject fields.

Replies (1)

Marked SolutionPending Review
Hexnode Expert
1 year ago
Marked SolutionPending Review

Hello @jeffgelb, welcome to Hexnode Connect!

We acknowledge your requirement and will take it up with the respective teams right away. Kindly bear with us for a while and we’ll keep you informed of the progress.

Best regards,
Chloe Edison
Hexnode UEM