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Search result for: Script
- Automate Mac and PC management with custom scripts and Hexnode
- Automate the execution of custom scripts on Mac
- Automation with scripts
- Code snippets for the most commonly executed tasks in Windows
- Convert text files on Windows devices using custom scripts
- Create scripts with AI-powered Terminal script generator – Hexnode Genie
- Deploy scripts to automate app deployment on macOS devices
- Deploy scripts to automate app deployment on Windows devices
- Enable/disable Windows Error Reporting with PowerShell scripts
- Execute custom scripts to set date and time for macOS devices
- Executing custom scripts for Windows
- Fix common issues while executing custom scripts on Mac
- Frequently Asked Questions on macOS shell scripting
- Hexnode License and subscription – General FAQs
- Hexnode UEM subscription, everything you need to know
- How to create and execute custom scripts on Linux?
- How to execute custom scripts periodically on Windows
- How to run scripts on Mac?
- Mac Shell Scripting Resources
- Modern Mac Management
- PowerShell script to convert text-to-speech
- PowerShell script to export Start menu layout
- PowerShell script to find, remove/rename files with duplicate filenames
- PowerShell script to Get HotFix info on Windows devices
- PowerShell script to get volume information from Windows devices
- PowerShell script to perform network tasks on Windows devices
- PowerShell script to rename Windows devices
- PowerShell script to send email notification
- PowerShell script to update drivers on Windows devices
- PowerShell script to verify the file hash of a file on Windows devices
- PowerShell scripts for DHCP configuration tasks
- PowerShell scripts for Windows patch management
- PowerShell scripts related to Diagnostic Data Viewer
- PowerShell scripts to manage services on Windows
- PowerShell scripts to set or get event log properties
- Script for Bluetooth Control in macOS devices
- Script for Time Machine Backup in Mac
- Script to activate remote ring on Mac
- Script to add content to files in Windows devices
- Script to add secure token to users on macOS devices
- Script to add Windows devices to Active Directory domain
- Script to adjust master volume on Windows devices
- Script to allow user access to specific third-party apps on Windows
- Script to Allow/Block Websites on Mac
- Script to auto-launch app in multi-app kiosk on Windows
- Script to automatically log in to a user account on Windows
- Script to backup files and folders on Windows devices
- Script to block apps on Windows
- Script to block websites on Windows
- Script to change a non-admin user to an admin user in Windows
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