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What is SaaSOps?

SaaSOps refers to the practice by which Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications are discovered, managed, and secured through centralized and automated operations. Its principal objectives are reducing friction, improving collaboration, and providing a better employee experience.

Businesses are increasingly dependent on Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications for day-to-day operations. For example, organizations use an average of 110 SaaS apps for their internal processes, such as recruitment, webinars, file sharing, and HR management. Sure, it makes the digital space highly effective and efficient. But it also comes with some operational challenges that organizations frequently face.

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IT teams are burdened with hours of manual management tasks to provision and de-provision accounts in today’s workplace to manage hundreds of SaaS apps. That’s not all. Organizations are vulnerable to security risks as employees can cause data breaches in seconds using third-party file-sharing apps. These are why having a SaaS Operations management team in your organization is essential.

SaaSOps includes a framework for dealing with all the challenges and complexities of SaaS adoption. It’s far more than just finding the right tools. SaaSOps framework includes:

  • Optimizing the expenditure on applications.
  • Automating user onboarding and offboarding.
  • Securing SaaS data.

SaaSOps engineers make sure all these things happen without sacrificing user productivity. Another advantage that comes with SaaSOps adoption is a competitive business advantage. Businesses can stay ahead by quickly integrating innovative technology—like powerful new SaaS apps.

To implement SaaSOps practices in an organization, SaaSOps engineers use SaaS management platforms (SMPs). IT administrators use SMPs to control application policies and automate IT administrative duties. SaaSOps, when combined with a proper SMP, aid in creating a modern digital workplace that actively improves end-user productivity.