
Customer appreciation: How our customers made HexCon20 a success

Heather Gray

Dec 15, 2020

6 min read

Customer appreciation: How our customers made HexCon20 a success

With HexCon20 – Hexnode’s very first user conference safely under our belt, it’s now time to appreciate the amazing moments and insightful discussions we had with our customers, partners, and attendees.

This was the first time that the entire Hexnode community came together to a common space for peer learning, information sharing, and strategic discussions, alongside some friendly chats. When we first set out to organize a user conference, we were looking for opportunities to connect with our customer base in person. But in order to overstep the hurdles of social distancing brought by the global pandemic, we made the most difficult but obvious decision to make our conference a virtual gathering. Though we couldn’t make it live this year, the event was nevertheless packed with some great talks, chats, interactions, breakouts and big announcements.

If I dig deeper into how we had made this happen, the best way to sum up the process would be to compare it to a roller coaster where we had our own fair share of ups and downs. The journey of fulfilling the long awaited dream of hosting our very own user conference would not have been possible without the tremendous amount of support our customers have given us along the way. We were impressed with the way our customers actively participated in the information-packed sessions, contests, and virtual games. In this blog, we are going to share some insider scoop on what went on at HexCon20 and how our customers helped to make this event a truly special one.

Before we get into it, let’s have a short recap on what was covered in HexCon20.

Reflections on HexCon20

HexCon20 was a two-day event that brought some of the most pressing tech topics to the table for discussion. To make the virtual user conference interactive, we included a number of fun elements, exciting games and thought-provoking panel discussions. Other items within the agenda included – keynote speeches, product demos, interactive sessions and feature announcements. The key highlights of the event were the Hexnode certification program and the much-awaited product reveal.


Starting troubles…

Hosting any event virtually is not an easy thing to do. We had a few hiccups at the start of the event. We had streaming issues but thankfully were able to get it resolved as quickly as we could. One of the things that moved us all was the amount of support our customers gave to resolve the pesky issues that we faced. It’s true what they say – people never forget a helping hand. Our customers, who received a lot of support from our dedicated technical support team over the years, gave us a lending hand when we were in a sticky spot ourselves. They encouraged us and even gave us a couple of handy tips and suggestions to make it easier for the team to get the event up and running without much delay.


Event Participation

One of the things that we were happy to note was the fact that we had more users participating in the event than we expected. Our customer engagement was much better on day 2 than on day 1, and in some of the sessions, we could see a lot of user interaction. It’s good to know that our users are trying to get know Hexnode better and take advantage of the myriad of benefits it offers.

The Hexnode certification program provided our customers with the perfect opportunity to get a more detailed insight into what the product is and become a Hexnode certified professional / expert at the end of the conference. Among all the courses that Hexnode Academy offered, we had many participants signing up for Basic iOS and Basic Android. One of the customers, we are happy to note, who took up five courses and later sat in the exams offered at the end of these courses, cleared all five! This is truly a remarkable feat for anyone to achieve.

Games, games and more games

Humans are social beings. The pandemic has many of us missing the good old days of enjoying a cup of coffee with our friends sitting beside us. While you can count on that not happening any time soon, our networking breaks with its interactive games and sessions helped to bridge that gap a little. We set up meeting rooms where users could get in touch with Hexnode experts to discuss their needs and business challenges. They also got to have a one-on-one chat with Apu Pavithran, Hexnode’s founder and CEO.

It wasn’t all business talks though, our team arranged an exciting array of fun and entertaining games where users could get to know one another, which in turn, helped us to strengthen the ties between our clients. The games included were Scavenger Hunt (a virtual game where the players collected items given on the list), Among Us (an exciting game where participants took out their detective hats for a moment to dig out the intruder hiding amongst them), and Pictionary (a fun little game where each team tried to guess what the opposing team were trying to draw)

In addition to this slew of fun, we also had a word puzzle where customers were made to identify industry related terms from the jumble of words given within the puzzle.

We even hosted a trivia game in the days leading up to the event, where each day two questions were posted. We received many responses from our customers for the questions we posted online. You couldn’t wish for a better start than this.


Selfie @ hexcon20

We also had a Selfie @ hexCon20 contest, where participants sent in their selfies with the HexCon20 screen with the hashtag #hexcon20. We conducted this contest to find out how our users were viewing the HexCon20 event – whether from their office laptops, home desktops, phones or even on their way to work.


The winning team members of each game each received points for the leaderboard. Here is a list of users leading the Hexcon20 leaderboard.

Winners weren’t the only ones who could get to take prizes home. We value each and every attendee who took the time to spend two days of their busy schedule to be a part of this conference. We are happy to announce that SWAG* prizes will be delivered to all those who participated in the conference.

And so, dear customers, we couldn’t have done this without you. We thank you all once again for making HexCon20 a success amidst these trying times.


*due to the current situation, delivery of SWAG will be subject to availability


Heather Gray

Technical Blogger @ Hexnode. Reading and writing helps me to stay sane.