The curtains have raised now, the much-awaited user conference HexCon21 is live! We are back, this time with lot more exhilarating sessions. We are really excited to tell you that this year’s HexCon21 just got an upgrade, it isn’t just two, but three days of total fun from 21st September to 23rd September. Let’s dive right in!
This year’s user conference has yet another specialty. It was lucky enough to witness the keynote speech delivered by Nick Vujicic, the world-renowned speaker who needs no introduction.
Do you know what makes a person special, in most of the cases it isn’t a single factor but a combination of many. Nick’s personality had that specialty. His speech was magical; every sound, every word and every combination that emerged from it- had in it the magic of inspiration. How can the lessons from a person who experienced so much in life and never gave up and consequently achieved so much in life, not inspire you? The blog highlights some of the key takeaways from the keynote speech.
Let’s dive right in!
Nick began the session with an emphasis on gratitude. He points out how important it is to congratulate yourselves. Recognizing the gains in life or the goals that you had set that you have accomplished is an essential step in your journey towards happiness.
“I want you to know that it’s going from surviving to thriving and one of the greatest aspects is knowing how to balance, process and deal with our emotions.”
One of the main factors underlying business team’s ability is how they as human beings feel. This is really important as a company’s full potential can only be realized if its team works at its full potential. So, people matter and so do their emotions.
From yuck to unstuck
Nick then shared his story. From being born in Australia, and wanting to feel fulfilled, he shares how all he felt was yuck! From people comforting him with words that never made any actual sense, he points out the reality,
Brokenness is broken. But hope is hope!
He shares his journey from feeling hopeless at a young age to growing through the various things he experienced. According to Nick, there are a few steps in the process that he has always used in his entire life.
We are all humans. And humans experience a lot of emotions but at the same time we also grow through these emotions. So, that makes the first step relevant
Step 1: Process your emotions
Dealing with and processing emotions is one of the greatest things that he as a leader has learned. He explains how its absence can lead you to act in a certain way and affect your business because you are emotionally highjacked.
He explains the importance of focusing on each of these factors to have a fulfilled life with respect to those aspects. Happiness he further explains, comes by addressing emotions and being fully present with those elements capable of making you happy.
Step 2: Motivate yourself
“In 2020 I I knew as a kid that I had a choice either to see the glass is half empty or half full, I got that but. I’ll tell you in 2020 that wasn’t enough
2020 in itself was a challenge, bringing about changes that were hard to incorporate.
Step 3: Failure is not sad, it is my classroom
Nick points out how in our corporate field we always experience some glitches and tweaks in our paths. He reminds of the importance of viewing these obstacles as opportunities rather than as barriers and failure as classroom and not as conclusions.
Step 4: Resetting goals
Nick explains his goal setting strategies. He encourages us to make 10 short term goals over a period of 60 days and reset it every 60 days to help you boost your confidence. He explains that the future is uncertain and what we can all be sure about is our immediate step. Nick then recommends striking off the goals in your list once you achieve them. It can help boost your confidence as you are very well aware of where you stand.
Step 5: Dreaming big and never giving up
Nick points out the importance of having someone as your cheerleader and mutually supporting each other. And by this you can make a great difference in the world. He further assures that anyone who continues to dream big and never gives up is bound to reach their full potential.
Step 6: Time management and prioritization system
Nick explains his practice of writing down a whiteboard; every three to six months, what’s most important to him. He also states how he checks how his time management schedule from Monday to Sunday looks like. With time management and prioritization, Nick emphasizes the need to devote at least one hour to goals that actually matters to you.
Develop an attitude of gratitude even during tough times
Nick then concludes the session by painting a clear picture of how the pandemic affected businesses. He reminds us that it’s not about how many times you fall but it’s all about reminding yourselves to get up just one more time.