Getting the smarts wrong

Find out what you’re doing wrong when you make a device “smart” and how to make it right with Ken Munro.

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Ken Munro

Security writer & speaker, CVE board member

Pen Test Partners

Ken Munro is Partner and Founder of Pen Test Partners LLP, a firm of ethical hackers. He regularly blogs on everything from maritime security to hacking cars and the Internet of Things. This has gained him notoriety among the national press, leading to regular appearances on BBC TV and BBC News online as well as the broadsheet press. He is also a member of the Internet of Things Security Foundation executive steering board and spoke out on IoT security design flaws at the forum’s inaugural event.


He also writes for various newspapers and industry magazines in an effort to get beyond the unhelpful scaremongering put about by many security vendors. Ken has become a voice for reform and legislative change in the largely unregulated IoT, briefing UK and US government departments as well as being involved with various EU consumer councils.