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User groups

A user group is a collection of users having some common attributes such as the same job title, location, department, device type, and so on. Hexnode UEM enables you to create user groups seamlessly while providing the options to associate policies and apply various remote actions to the user groups.


This feature is available on Pro, Enterprise, Ultimate, and Ultra pricing plans.

Adding user group

To create a new user group,

  1. Go to Manage > User Groups > New group.
  2. Add the Group Name and Description.
  3. Click + Add more under Users.
  4. Select the users from the list. Click Done to save the group details.


You can add your Active Directory or Azure AD servers by clicking on the Configure AD button. The users and user groups added to your directory service will be imported on Hexnode UEM once you successfully add or sync your directory.
Click on Configure AD to add AD user groups
You can also quickly check the status of your Active Directory or Azure AD directory servers from the Directory Services overlay window.

Modifying user group

You can manage users in the group or edit the group details for an existing local user group.
To edit the group name or group description –

  1. Go to Manage > User Groups > [Select your group].
  2. Hover over the group name or description label.
  3. Click on the pen icon to edit the group name or description

  4. Click on the edit icon that appears.
  5. Edit the label.

To add more users to the user group –

  1. Go to Manage > User Groups > [Select your group].
  2. Click + Add users.
  3. On the Browse Users overlay window, select the user(s) you would like to add.
  4. Add more users to a device group

  5. Click on Done to confirm.

To delete a user from the user group –

  1. On the users list on the User Group page, hover over the row detailing the user you would like to delete. A small cross icon will appear on the last column on the right. Click the icon.
  2. Select the red cross icon to delete the user

  3. Confirm your action.

Deleting user group

To delete a user group,

  1. Go to Manage > User Groups.
  2. Select the User Group(s) you would like to delete.
  3. Click on the Actions button, scroll down the list and select Delete Group.
  4. Confirm your action


Removing a user group will not remove the associated user(s) from Hexnode. You can only delete local user groups. Directory-linked user groups can only be removed by making changes on the directory console or removing the directory instance from Hexnode.

Exporting reports of a user group

To export a report containing detailed information about the users in a user group:

  1. Go to Manage > User Groups.
  2. Select the User Group(s), to export the report.
  3. Click on Export button, and select from either of the downloadable formats, PDF or CSV, from the drop-down menu.

User report exported from a user group in a PDF format.

  • Managing Users and Groups